The is a huge base of players who migrated from TS to simply making new mod games based of 99% of TS engine itself. We have better knowledge on how potentially this change might have a good positive effect by encouraging more modders ' the real modders, I mean not the opposite of WW maps' to join the CNCNET community by simply adding more flexibility to the game itself. Our strength lies in our understanding of the game itself rather than the CNCNET platform. It's really up to us to sell this idea to our developers and convince them why we need such a change.
Cameos addition is profoundly odd.Ī developer will not waste 6 hours or more just to add cameos in expense of other more important issues. But for such 'change', it might imply that this isn't from the original game, i.e. If you noticed, they would be concerned with any bug or inconvenience that have an impact on the overall CNCNET. Also bear in mind our developers are not game oriented but say online platform oriented. This might take hours of hard work for seemingly something that has no direct effect on the game. Well Holland, of course it's not a straight forward suggestion.